The Ba Gua Etuis Box

Set in futuristic Boston, this murder mystery follows Otto Vainikainen P.I. and his assistant Patricia Lacroix as they investigate the mysterious death of a distinguished robotics professor. What they find is beyond anything they could have imagined in this story of robots, murder and danger. 8 episodes. New episodes on Sundays.

Episode 5

After episode 4 the need to solve the mystery heats up. What clues will the team find in the graveyard that Homer Diya’s body is buried in? Will Zippy be able to turn into the seductress she needs to be in order to get vital information?

Episode 4

Are Otto and Patricia off the case? What is the purpose of the machines at BIT? The investigation heats up this week when Zippy and Vicki explore the house of the pathologist who performed the autopsy on Homer Diya.

Episode 3

In this adventure filled episode the team sets off to find more clues to the mysterious death of Homer Diya. What unknown secrets, and terrifying dangers, will they find as they explore BIT and the police autopsy room that Homer Diya's body was once stored in.