News Update 7.8.12 – Productivity!


Finally a week of productivity! We recorded a minor character today in it’s entirety. It was a good session but slightly strange for me. Not strange because of the character, but strange because the person who I was given direction to was my own mother! Ha! It’s strange giving your mother direction for reading horror lines is all I’ll say. She’s been begging me to give her a role since The Ba Gua Etuis Box came out, so I gave her a small part. She did a great job, but her one comment after we were done was “voice acting is a lot harder than I thought it would be!” No kidding Mom!

The productivity will continue to role into next week as we have JT coming in for another recording session and Josie’s voice is FINALLY feeling better, so we will hopefully be able to being recording with her next week too. All in all things are looking up!

As a heads up, there will be no status update for the next 2 weeks as I’m going to be on vacation in Iceland for the week of the 14th. (I know, I suck). But keep an eye on our twitter account (@SFRadioTheater) as I’ll be keeping that updated as we progress. You can also keep tabs on my personal twitter (@Dasegad) if you are interested in my tweeting about my trip Iceland (this is good ammunition if you are looking for reasons to hate me).

Anyway, I hope you all are having a good summer so far!


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News Update 6-24-12: Unproductivity

Oooooh Boy,

So progress on Hyper Nocturnal (our new sci-fi horror radio drama) continues to plug away. Unfortunately this week has been particularly unproductive. Essentially we had 4 recording sessions scheduled and all of them fell through and we ended up not recording anything this week.

Too bad… Next week is likely going to be rough for recording too, but the week after should be good! At this point we are about 3/4 done with the recording process. I suppose it’s expected Karma coming back around that things have slowed down in productivity so significantly here at the home stretch given how great everything was going at the beginning of the recording process.

Ah well, hopefully next week’s update will be more cheerful!

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More Horror Recording! 6.19.12 News

Hallo Everybody,

So we had another good week of recording and got a lot done for the new Sci-Fi Horror radio play we are working on called “Hyper Nocturnal”. I personally completed recording for all of the lines for my character, so we are over 1/3 done with recording the main characters in the play!

We also had a recording session with JT this week and got through episodes 2 and 3 for his character. At our current rate I think we will be able to fully record his parts with 2 more sessions.

Recording hasn’t started yet with Josie as she is still having vocal issues. Hopefully though with some more rest we will be able to begin soon. This week I’ll be working on recording a quick few lines with a minor character and hopefully next week towards the end of the week we can start working on Josie’s parts. JT’s next recording session will probably not be until the beginning of July at this point unfortunately due to scheduling conflicts.

So, unfortunately despite our initial explosive push of recording at the beginning things have drastically slowed down. Oh well. We continue to struggle forward ahead! The radio play will be completed! However, at the moment, I’m getting nervous that we won’t be able to hit our goal of getting it out within a year (Currently aiming for March/April-ish) as I’m guessing it’s going to take us another month or 2 to get all recording done.

And then we will move into the MASSIVE task of doing editing, which is going to be a killer. The sounds effects in the Ba Gua Etuis Box were tough, but the level of sound effects and music that needs to happen in Hyper Nocturnal is going to be at least 3 times larger I predict.

Anyway, I’ll continue to keep you guys updated!


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Recording Bonanza! News For 6.10.12


So I have been running around like a maniac this week. We’ve gotten a ton of recording done and are continuing to trend way ahead of schedule for the new sci-fi horror drama “Hyper Nocturnal” that we are working on. JT came in ths week and recorded the entire 1st episode for his character. At the current pace, I think we should be able to get through all of his lines and parts within 3 or so more recording sessions.

Additionally, I (me being Charles) hit the recording both myself and hammered out 3 entire episodes for my character. We still haven’t gotten to Josie’s role yet as she is still recovering from laringitis, but she is getting better quickly, so hopefully we will be able to start soon.

Additionally, outside of recording we finally got the first episode of The Ba Gua Etuis Box (our first radio drama, a sci-fi murder mystery) up on YouTube! It’s up in 4 15 minute chunks, so go check it out!

Outside of that we are moving head just fine with everything. Another recording session is scheduled with JT for Tuesday.



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Sci-Fi Horror! News for 6.3.12

Another week, another update!

We continue to roll along with the recording process for Hyper Nocturnal. This week we had Krystel Feher over and completely recorded her entire role. At this point we have pretty much completely recorded all of the secondary roles and half of the primary roles.

We still have yet to get rolling on recording the 3 primary lead roles though. However, JT will be coming in this Tuesday and we will be doing his first session. I’m hoping we will be able to get through all of his parts within 4 or so sessions, but we’ll see. Josie is still recovering from laringitis, but is going to see the doctor this coming week, so hopefully they will be able to come up with a solution for her so we can start recording!

Outside of recording, I have officially put a redirect in place so that if you visit the site by typing in it will send you to (This is for all you British spelling folks out there).

Additionally, an exciting announcement for Hyper Nocturnal! I am now happy to reveal that Hyper Nocturnal will be both a science fiction AND horror story!

Despite that, everything is groovy! Send us your questions at or tweet us @SFRadioTheater.



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News Update for 5.31.12

Hello Everybody!

Lots of exciting things in the happening right now. Work continues on Hyper Nocturnal. This week we did recordings for 2 characters. One minor female and one major female. They both went great. When I was giving direction for the female lead character I told her she needs to be “less orgasmic and more terrified” in her delivery.

I’m hoping to get The Ba Gua Etuis Box up on YouTube soon, but things have been a bit nuts schedule wise these last few weeks.

This week we will be recording another major role and next we will start recording on one of the lead characters!

Also, while you are at it, check out the latest episode of “Outlaw Empires” on the Discover channel. The episode about South Boston stars non other than Sheriff Bates himself, Rob Lavin!

Thanks again for listening and leave us feedback at! Also tweet at us @SFRadioTheater!

Roxors in your boxors.


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Hyper Nocturnal News 5.20.12


So I had a bus ride from hell! But that’s ok because we just cast two great people in roles for Hyper Nocturnal! Production continues and right now we are approaching (and pretty much have arrived at) the end of the casting process for the horror radio drama Hyper Nocturnal.

Where we move into next is the longest part of the process which is the scheduling and recording part. The recording itself is actually pretty fast, but the getting people in the room to do the recording is always a struggle. But we will triumph!

Outside of recording, we will get to work on putting The Ba Gua Etuis Box up on YouTube in a couple weeks as Hyper Nocturnal work comes first and things are a bit crazy busy at the moment!

Anyway, leave us questions and feedback at! You can also tweet us @SFRadioTheater.


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Horror Radio Drama News 5.13.12

Hello Boys and Girls!,

We’ve had a crazy productive week on our new horror radio drama “Hyper Nocturnal.” Before I get into that though, I need to send out a huge apology to everyone. Apparently for the last week there has been an error occurring that has not allowed anyone to download The Ba Gua Etuis Box from our RSS or iTunes. I have fixed the problem, but a HUGE SORRY to everyone who has been trying to listen for the last week and haven’t been able to.

But on to the good stuff. We’ve had an awesome week of voice recording. Most of the major roles have been cast and we’ve actually been able to start the recording process! WooHoo! This week we did recordings with Jessi Evans, Dave Robison, Lisa Dakak and Seth Bender. We managed to finish all of their roles too which is a huge success!

We are still in waiting on hearing back from one person for casting on a lead role, but as soon as we get the word we will be able to start recording the major characters for the radio play (which will be a big endeavor). In terms of casting we have also recently casted 2 medium sized roles as well and will hopefully be able to start recording sometime within the next 2 or so weeks. (I’m going to be a bit full out these next 2 weeks due to some family stuff I’m attending out of state. Don’t worry, it’s good stuff, graduation and baby shower).

Anyway, make sure to leave us a note at or leave us a review on iTunes or Zune!

Thanks again everyone!

And check out the video update below or download it from iTunes or Zune!


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Hyper Nocturnal News Update 5.6.12

Hello there!

So here is this week’s news update for our horror radio drama Hyper Nocturnal. We are now currently head first in the casting process. As of current 9 roles have been filled and we are currently in talks to cast 4 more major roles. We still have a number of smaller one off roles open, so if you are interested please shoot us an email at!

Outside of casting, we had some issues with downloads yesterday, but it is now fixed. Let us know if any other issues occur. Additionally, we want to give a big THANK YOU to all of you fans out there! We’ve had a great week for downloads and got between 40-65 downloads a day! That’s a ton for us!

Finally, we wanted to let everyone know that we have been nominated for a Parsec Award! Woohoo! We will be trying to compete in the long form audio drama category. Wish us luck!

And as always, check out this week’s vlog below or on YouTube. You can also download our news update on our normal podcast feed. Send us any questions you have to and we’ll answer them next week!


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Hyper Nocturnal Casting Call!

Hey all!

Here is our update for this week! You can download the podcast of the update on iTunes or watch it on YouTube (video below).

Editing the scripts for Hyper Nocturnal is complete! As such, we are now sending out an open casting call! If you are interested in doing voice acting for Hyper Nocturnal send us an email with a demo reel at Unfortunately we aren’t able to pay money for voice acting, but we will give you pizza if you are local :).

In other news, Sci-Fi Radio Theater is now available in the Zune Marketplace podcast directory. Thanks to Cliff at the Podcast Answer Man Podcast and Jen from the Anomaly Podcast for helping us out with that.

Also wanted to send a thank you to Laurance Raw from for giving a glowing full review of The Ba Gua Etuis Box!

We recently went to Boston ComicCon as well and met a bunch of great comic book and web comic artists. We will be checking out your stuff soon we promise!

Additionally, Charles had a wacky idea that if you are a sci-fi or fantasy artists and you want to send us some of your work we will feature it here on Sci-Fi Radio Theater and on our weekly Vlog we are now doing. Send submissions to as well!

Thanks everyone!

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